Availability & Bookings

Availability Calendar

In order to request a booking for a week of your choice, you can do this in one of two ways:

Book Online or Download PDF Booking Form

If completing an offline form please return to us by post to TCCL Lodge Manager, 20 Horseleys Park, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 8RZ.

If you have any difficulties, please contact us via [email protected] or 07764 970 663. Once we have received you form detailing your preferred weeks, we will (where possible) allocate you that week and the exact dates of your holiday will be confirmed by the lodge manager. NB There is a priority system operated by TCCL Lodge.

From April 1st 2022 holidays begin on Friday at 4pm and end at the latest at 11am on the following Thursday (6 Nights). Families may choose to stay for the whole 6 nights or any part of the 6 nights of their holiday. It is advisable to give all 3 date options with at least one being outwith the school holidays

A welcome pack of basic commodities will be provided for your arrival by TCCL Lodge and arrangements for food are self-catering. The cost of your travel together with “spending money” during your stay, will not be met by TCCL Lodge.

TCCL Lodge is solely for use by families who have a child suffering from cancer or a cancer related illness. The Lodge has a strict NO SMOKING policy and no pets are allowed.

Note that only one week is permitted per family per year.

Terms and conditions available here: click to download.